Congratulations @chizzytheace as the winner of #nodoubtchallenge
We are happy to announce that we finally gotten a winner for the #NoDoubtChallenge
After weeks of intense screening from disqualifying those with curse words to those who failed to tag & follow @hannobmg, @realzyblowmoney & @blowmoney_news accordingly
The judges judged with fairness and looked out for contestants with good delivery and concepts. To spice things up @blowmoney001 decided to reward the 1st runner up @LAWRENCEGUCHI & 2nd runner up @iam_donaldpeters with 30k & 20k respectively.
Thanks once again to everyone who took time out to participate in the challenge, God bless you.
#nawedeyhere #BMGmusic #BMGfamily @repost
We neva settle for Less 💯
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